Why to join

About agriexpert

Why to join

Why to join ?

AE is open to all who wish to share their knowledge and experiences among agricultural professionals in order to build the nation and support humanity. However, In order to maintain the high quality of information on AE, the following professional are expected to join this portal and help in achieving the objectives.

Image An expert having Post-Graduate / Doctorate degree/ Postdoctoral Fellow / Research Scholar in agriculture and allied subjects with 10 years of professional experience in their respective areas.
ImageEmployees working in universities/ R&D Institutions as Assistant Professor / Associate Professor / Professor / Senior Scientist or equivalent positions in teaching & research.
ImageFarmers and other agricultural professionals who receive awards nationally and internationally.

Why AgriExperts ?

The primary audiences of AE are:

  • Individuals and institutions with expertise in agriculture research and allied activities
  • Entities seeking support in various types of agricultural research and production activities.

Therefore, AE is beneficial for both Expert and the information seekers
Elevate Experts: Elevate the profile of technical experts, especially who wish to help those requesting support for technical assistance from any part of India and abroad .Also Showcase your expertise to the research community, funding agencies, policy makers, etc.
Enable Tailored Support: Search for subject specific Experts and Institutions using criteria relevant to your needs.

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The PROFILE Magazine

agriExperts profile magazine is a publication which publish the profile of personalities of the India from the agriculture research, education and extension willing to sharing their insights to inspire others.

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